Sunday, July 24, 2011


I love anything aged - old buildings, old farmhouses and barns, old cars, vintage clothing, antiques furniture, weathered machinery, aged people (notice I didn't say "old" - that's a subjective term :)

I was out driving along country roads yesterday just for fun.  My eyes were diverted from the road many times over with the sight of some beautiful old and abandoned farmhouses,  junk yards full of old, rusty vehicles, and my favorite which was a completely rusted out bicycle, still holding its plastic basket on the handlebars, with a fresh bouquet of flowers.  One of the few times I didn't have my camera with me.

I love a good story.  I am always curious about the history behind these things.  If walls could talk in these old buildings, what would they be saying?  Who and what were the people like that walked through their doors? What were the conversations and interactions that took place within the rooms?  Who wore the vintage clothing and was it hand sewn at the hands of a fine craftsman or woman?  What was the work of these old machines and how did it assist in the daily lives of people at some point in time?  Where did the cars and bicycles travel to and from and what was seen along the way? There is no greater blessing than sitting with an aged person and hearing their stories of days gone by.  So much wisdom to be had from those that have gone before us.

I think about the many chapters of my own life, and the stitching and weaving of those chapters that together, make up the story of who I am and where I've been, the lessons learned, the wisdom I've gained, and the stories I have to tell.   A blending of the old and the new, the past and the present, and the curiosity of the future, the days that have yet to come, which will one day be a part of the history.

Monday, July 18, 2011


Time away on Martha's Vineyard was time well spent.  I had all good intentions of seeing things, visiting places that I love on the Vineyard and engaging in all sorts of picture taking.  Instead, I spent a lot of time doing nothing, and everything.  Thinking, reflecting, feeling and healing.

It was great to connect with old friends that know me so well, and remind me of who I am and who I wish to be, when I can quiet the storm that brews inside me.   Sometimes I get lost in my own flurry of activity as I try to sift through the rubble and reconnect to the core of who I know myself to be. It is wonderful to have such intimate connections with people that can reflect back to me who they know me to be when I am at my best.

I came away with all that I needed - new insights, new energy, new excitement about what is and what is to become.  I am so very grateful and fortunate to have friends that embrace my authentic self, that stimulate and challenge me to be the person I wish to be, that lift my spirit when I am down and fill me with love and laughter.


Sunday, July 10, 2011


" Earth, ourselves, breathe and awaken, leaves are stirring, all things moving, new day coming, life renewing. " ~Pawnee Prayer

It's time for my annual visit to Martha's Vineyard, where time slows down, the air breathes life into my soul, the ocean cleanses my worries away, my creative energy is enriched, and I am among the company of two of my closest friends. 

The Gay Head Cliffs are among one of the most beautiful places I've ever been.  The cliffs are mounds of brilliantly colored clay.  And they have a different look to them every year, due to weather and erosion.  Something about being there is like being at home, in a place very deep in my soul. I am not sure if it is the potter in me, the Native American heritage I hold, or some of both.  But the first time I stepped foot on the beach, a feeling of warmth and familiarity flooded me.
It is a great place of meditation.  A place to rejoice in my gratitude for the collage of experiences that make my life what it is today. A place for reflection and curiosity.  A place to throw fear to the wind and embrace change and new beginnings  A place to consider the endless possibilities.  

I so look forward to these visits but they are bittersweet.  It is difficult to say goodbye, but in doing so, I am coming home with some amazing gifts - new insights, peace and tranquility, and renewed spirit.  As the saying goes, with every ending comes a new beginning.  I always leave with some sadness for the end of what is always a wonderfully fulfilling visit, but with excitement and joy for what awaits me in the coming months.  And I get to then plan and look forward to next year's visit for another "soul revival".    

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Holding On * Letting Go

 For everything there is an equal and opposite force.  It's the law of opposites, the nature of balance and the balance of nature.

We work hard to find the balance in our joy and our pain; our gains and our losses, our successes and our failures;  our compassion and our judgements; our love and our hatred for things; passion and apathy; finding the positive while life may be fueling the negative energies within us, harmony and discord;  hanging on and letting go.

Life is made up of a series of moments.  And within each moment, is a gift, sometimes hidden.  If we choose to stay open with our eyes, our hands, our heart and our mind to the gifts being offered, we allow ourselves the opportunity to learn, to grow, and to flourish in some deep and meaningful way that we may have never experienced before.

Sometimes the gift is in the arrival and experience of the moment.  So often, the gift is not the package as it presents itself.  The gift is sometimes that which is left behind, when all obvious remains of the person, the material thing, the situation,  the experience, is gone from our lives.    And sometimes, it is in the letting go of those things that we hold hard and fast to that we find the true meaning of the gifts as they meant to be for each of us.

Without pain, we can't know joy.  Without understanding judgement, we know not the true meaning of compassion.  We will have many failures in our attempts to be successful.  With every loss, there is a gain. We must let go in order to know if there is anything worth holding onto.

LIFE IS A GIFT.  Be open to all the possibilities.   When we loosen our grip, let go of the comfort of what is known, or what we think is ours to keep,  it is amazing the space we create for gifts that are meant to be put in our presence, things we may have never known possible, the things that are meant for us to hold.

"All the art of living lies in the fine mingling of letting go and holding on."  ~ Havelock Ellis

Friday, July 1, 2011

Beautiful Bubbles... Captivating Colors...Tantalizing Textures

Last night's sunset was a sky full of watercolors!  A quiet night, still air and brush strokes in shades of pinks and reds and blues and purples across the sky.  It eventually faded to a deep midnight blue and stars galore!  I am forever amazed at the sensational slideshow that takes place right before my eyes every morning and every night, as time changes, the earth moves and the sky changes from daylight to nighttime.   Delightful.   

Because I had so much fun in the Plantations last weekend, I decided to head back early this morning before the dew dried off the plants to see if I could play around some more.  I am back in my "themes" mode.  And today it was all about colors and textures.  Explosive!!  It's the only word I can use to describe all that was in front of me.  Explosive colors and amazing textures everywhere!  As if it's not enough to just capture the images on film, another part of my brain couldn't help but think about how to capture some of the lines and forms in clay as well.  

I love being an early riser.  It was so quiet and peaceful, the birds just waking up around me as I set up my tripod from place to place.  What a simply beautiful way to start my day and my weekend.   A little slice of heaven.