She sits. Temporarily anchored while she waits for the right moment. Waves wash in and back out again into the wide open waters. Some leave a resounding mark, while others no more than a ripple. She sits, steadfast, ready for a time when all of the elements prompt her. It is time for the next adventure.
And then there are the ideas that keep coming back to me, like the familiar waves that wash in and back out again, leaving their mark. The ones that every time I consider them, feel outlandish, insurmountable and out of reach, and yet there is a little voice that keeps nagging at me to pay attention. And when I do pay attention, a little part of me is secretly screaming with excitement at the thought of them coming to fruition.
This year is about taking more creative risks. These next few months are about setting my intention. Sharing it with others to keep myself accountable. One foot in front of the other. One step at a time. Putting all the elements in place to make possible the next big adventure. Following the course.
Turning ripples into a shimmering sea.