Saturday, October 19, 2013


Sometimes, there are no words. 
Beauty speaks for itself. 

Sometimes, there are no actions to be had.
Just the simple act of being.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


 summer sun fades,
muted colors,
days become shorter.

there is hesitation in the air.
slow movement in unison with the changing seasons.

letting go of distraction,
a time for re-connection to self.

compost for the seedlings
 of new beginnings.

inward we go
step by step,
for the start of a long pause.

quiet solitude and deep reflection

changing seasons

welcome sweet autumn. 

Monday, August 26, 2013


Have you ever seen a flower so beautiful it takes your breath away at first glance?
Soft pink petals contrasting with the brightest yellow.  
The sculptural leaves of green, so large and stately.
No wonder the lotus has such meaning. 
It is a beauty to behold.

Saturday, August 17, 2013


pretty little gems on a stem.
teach us how to open up and reach for the sky,
to twist and be flexible in all the right places,
to show our true colors, 
to display our best, even in our imperfection

A beautiful, symphonic display, as the detail of each one unfolds
A bit of welcome surprise in every story.

Friday, July 19, 2013


Collectors collect things.  
Particular types of things.
Identifiable objects and materials.
Hand held, visible things.

And then there are the collectors of intangible things.
Felt and experienced things.

stolen moments
perfect imperfection
things that tickle the senses
curious questions
acts of kindness
warm smiles
glimpses of things 

I am a collector of things.
We are all collectors of something,  anything and everything.

Mother Nature is a collector.

I admire and respect her ability as a collector.
She shares her collections openly and without shame. 
She doesn't pause to think twice about how or where her collections are displayed. 
She just collects.  

I breathe in the beauty of her collections.  
She creates and designs with them.

Things that captivate my attention.
Things that activate my senses. 
Things that trigger my imagination.
Things that make me smile. 
Things that dig deep into my soul. 
Things that make beautiful art. 
Things that are cause for pause and reflection.

Thursday, June 13, 2013


You just keep putting one foot in front of the other, never really knowing where you are headed.  
A persistent voice instructs you to open up to the possibility of anything and everything. 
The self-critic questions every move. 
Lessons in patience, perseverance, and faith. 

One-way streets, wrong turns, and crooks in the road. 
Don't let it deter you. 
 Nothing is a set back. 
Everything happens for a reason. 
Trust that the universe will guide you. 

At times, it all becomes a blur. 
A messy cloud of confusion. 
Nothing seems to make sense, but everything is so completely connected. 
You are exactly where you are supposed to be. 

And then the it comes. 


Exhilaration in the knowing.  THIS is your moment of truth.  This is the place you are meant to be. 
This is what you have been waiting for. 

A breath of fresh air, the view becomes clear.
The gift of truth, the authentic knowing of what is and what will be, presents itself through the open gates of possibility.  


Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Sometimes less is more. 

I love color!  It creates a mood.  It provides ingredients for me to play with form and texture.  It is music to my soul. 

But there is something magical about the essence of a black and white photo that grabs ahold of me.  I experience a sense of calm and serenity and something powerful behind these simple shades and hues.  

 A gentle reminder that even the simple things can make a bold statement and have a dramatic impact.