Friday, June 10, 2011

The Finer Things

Handmade and homegrown.  These are the finer things in life.  I was driving along the back roads with my camera this morning and I am reminded of my roots.  Growing up with very little, yet in hindsight, realizing it afforded me SO much.  Having so little, yet having so much.  Taking nothing and creating something.

Forget about expensive roses.  A handful of wildflowers picked on the side of the road will make a lasting impression. Daises, Black-Eyed Susans and Buttercups - these are the makings of a beautiful bouquet.     Forget about high heels and fancy dresses.  Barefoot, jeans and t-shirts and I'm a happy girl.  Forget about fancy diamonds and pretty pearls.  Dress me in simple chain necklace made of daisies and dandelions, and I feel like a princess.  Forget about technological gadgets and motorized vehicles.  Let me climb to the top of a willow tree and I at peace; or romp in the woods, or play hide-n-seek in the corn stalks, and I am never bored and always excited for what the next adventure will be.    Forget about fancy meals in a restaurant.  Allow me to step with my bare feet and hands into a garden to pick and prepare a meal of fresh fruits and vegetables and I think I've died and gone to heaven!  Allow me to handcraft a gift from my hands and I have no need for commercialized holidays.

Handmade and homegrown.  Simple and free. These are the finer things in life.

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