Wednesday, December 28, 2011


It's almost January, and still no snow.  Frosty mornings, crystal covered leaves, and a few drifting snowflakes.  Not much color to be found and some cold, damp days.  I am dreaming of snow angels, and beautiful white covered pine trees standing alert in the woods.  Crispy nights with star-studded skies, standing around a campfire drinking hot chocolate.  Yes, that's what I hope for.  Snowmen, children's laughter as they fly effortlessly down a hill on a piece of plastic, and the meditative swoosh of my skis as they glide through quiet woods that look like something out of a fairytale book.  The sound of falling snow.  One of my very favorite things.

As 2011 comes to a close, as with most years, I spend time being quiet, reflecting on the year, thinking about my vision for 2012.  I have some exciting things I will share with you as they unfold.  2011 was a slow start for some of my creative adventures, but movement nonetheless.  One foot in front of the other, one step at a time.

My wish for 2012 -  to share my love of all things creative, to ignite a curious and courageous fire in all of those individuals whose paths I cross, and to share my love and passion for life with random acts of kindness (more to be revealed :)  Happy New Year!!


  1. Beautiful words and thoughts. Thank you!

  2. What exquisitely beautiful..frosty images!! Wishing you a year filled with creativity and light! Happy New Year!
